Blissful Sunday

I woke up with a 10 item to-do list. I had big plans to accomplish “stuff”. All those nagging little chores that I couldn’t get to during the week. The whole list wouldn’t take more than 3 or 4 hours tops…

Nope. Not gonna happen.

I realized I needed a downtime day. I’ve been going hard & fast for 2 weeks now with the new job. I’m loving the job but right now it is very stressful. Normally I would do these chores on Saturday but we had a company picnic.

It was great! I had fun and I won “Most Original” in the dessert contest! However I spent nearly 5 hours on my feet – socializing, walking around, manning the helium tank blowing up balloons, and being silly at the dessert contest. My feet hurt. My back hurt. My teeth started hurting (onset of sinus infection). I ate a lot of carbs so my tummy & gut hurt…

So yeah, Sunday rolled around and I just can’t get started. So rather than beat myself up about it I declared that I would kickback and relax instead. And I did. I enjoyed a few delicious cocktails. I watched a bunch of dvr’d shows (Lost Girl, Alphas, Perception) and enjoyed a mini Law & Order marathon. I got lost in Pinterest. Researched menopause and diet. Learned some new things about WordPress. Read some cool blogs.

It has been just an all around excellent day. I’m off tomorrow so I’ll get those pesky chores done then… maybe 🙂

My awesome Ambrosia Cake before and after! Not only do I get bragging rights but I won a lovely pearl bracelet and matching earrings! Woot!